Super 8, Abrams, Spielberg - review

Super 8, Abrams, Spielberg - review

The latest s-f production has several good solutions, but not much new to the genre. First, we are greeted with a powerful train derailment scene. A group of children witness this event. It turns out, that the catastrophe was not accidental, the army arrives at the site of the incident. This is how this story begins in a small town. Secondary weariness at times, although also surprising at times.

Before I go on to discuss the movie itself, I want to clarify the basic point. Super 8 is a family sci-fi movie. I don't know why they want to tell us, it's a thriller? (movie portals) The main characters are children of some age 12 Years, We follow the events from their perspective. The values ​​shown in the film seem to be made with young viewers in mind. I will not spoil it, while Super 8 He is not a thriller. Fact, has certain features, however, in this case, the term thriller is an abuse in my opinion.

I only know J.J Abrams from Projekt Monster, that is, something full of special effects, but not especially a storyline. It's better with his new film. The story itself is quite simple and ordinary, although well stuck together. There is nothing to complain about. In Super 8 there will be a bit of pathos. Fortunately, the redrawing of the dialogues is moderate. And here is the redundancy I wrote about. The scenario is quite typical, the climate is not surprising either, American style without much progress.

These are the positives now. Spielberg's latest production has some of them. It's in good taste to make a science fiction movie these days, with the atmosphere of the 80s, you can have associations with, for example, "Close encounters of the third degree". No crypto ads, or at least I didn't notice, supposedly by accident that well-known brands or cars were put under the nose, or some drinks. And finally, an interesting theme of meeting an alien form of life.

Super 8 is a cinema that keeps the level. Although it is not too high, I wasn't bored at the screening. As I already wrote, I think, that it is a family cinema without irony, so you can definitely recommend this movie for example for father with son. Adult viewers will also find something for themselves, however, it will not be a demanding session.

Rating: 6/10