What is family

What is family. Rodzina.

Is said to be, that family comes first. it is true. A family is a group of people connected by blood. The family is generally made up of the father, mother and children, although they belong to the family as well: grandparents, uncles, cousins ​​and so on. The family is absolutely a sociological concept and no one can argue against it. Recently, there has been a lot of confusion in the media around the traditional family model. There are many conservative people in Poland, which claim, that a family can only be created by a woman and a man, and that they can marry civil and church. They do not accept any other form of relationship. As it often happens, however – there, who shout the loudest, they have the least to say, and the most to reproach yourself.

More and more is being said about the possibility of same-sex partnerships – homosexuals, ie gays and lesbians. Is it a blatant attack on the family? Thread. A partnership relationship is one thing, and adopting children is the latter. Perhaps this will happen in the future, that in Poland such relationships will be widely accepted and maybe even couples will be able to adopt children. This is how it is, that we draw our models from the West and that Poland wants to be as much a country as possible and closer to France, UK, and not necessarily to Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.