What to replace yeast?

What to replace yeast?

If we don't have yeast, a potrzebujemy upiec chleb lub bułki. We can make sourdough at home or use a mixture of soda and lemon.

The sourdough is best made from rye flour. The water should be boiled or filtered at a temperature 35 degrees Celsius. we mix water with flour – to a thick consistency. 100 g of flour i 200 g of water. We make leaven for a few days. We add every day 100 g of flour i 200 g of water, to make a thick dough. Zakwas najlepiej postawić w ciepłe miejsce. Co 12 hours we mix the dough. Best done in a liter jar closed with a cloth with an elastic band. After 3 days we should have leaven ready.

Kiedy zakwas jest gotowy zauważymy, that the mass has increased and bubbles are formed on the surface and there is a characteristic acetic acid, unpleasant smell. We can use the leaven to bake bread.

So that the sourdough dough rises well, we need to keep him at a temperature (30°C). Zakwas możemy trzymać w lodówce przez długi okres. The leaven is spoiled then, when mold appears on it (white sheepskin or green). If we take the leaven out of the refrigerator, it is good to feed it before use and set aside for 2-3 hours in a warm place, so that he can take off. Homemade sourdough bread, they are better than the store ones - in terms of health and taste.

Yeast will also replace the combination of baking soda with lemon juice or citric acid in proportion 1:1. Such a dough can be bake immediately after mixing and there is no need to wait for it to rise. A teaspoon of soda + łyżeczka soku z cytryny na 1/2 kg of flour.