What are the properties of broccoli

What are the properties of broccoli

Broccoli, and especially their properties in the kitchen are a bit underrated. Thanks to the content of many vitamins, it is worth introducing them to your daily diet.
Broccoli comes from Italy. They reached Poland in the 17th century. They are resistant to even greater frosts, therefore, they are perfect for growing in our country.
They are an underestimated source of vitamins: A, C, B and minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus or potassium. Interestingly, they contain much more beta-carotene than carrots. Regular consumption of broccoli supports immunity and prevents the formation of cancer. Thanks to the chromium content, the vegetable is helpful in the treatment of diabetes.
They are eaten cooked in casseroles, soups, or as an addition to dinner. They can also be eaten raw, in salads or with dips. They can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week, however, it happens that after a few days they bloom yellow and then partially lose their taste.
While cooking, to keep their color, it is worth adding a few drops of lemon juice to the water. However, it is best to steam them, because they lose half of their vitamins when boiled in water.