

The former trader was called a merchant. Its main task, a także sposobem na życie był handel. With his previously purchased goods, he moved from place to place, often overcoming very long distances between cities.

An interesting fact is for sure this, that once with the craftsmen, the merchants belonged to the middle class group. It was exactly in the Middle Ages. They organized themselves into large groups, which they then called traits. At that time, they also had the right of storage, to which they were fully bound in all respects.

The name of the merchant was still in force between the First and Second World War. Then it, the merchant ran his own business, which was based on the sale of various products. Such activity was legally regulated only in 1965 year. When is it instead of a merchant, a concept related to the unit of the socialized economy appeared. Outside such a unit, society also dealt with a unit of the non-social economy.

In the following years, there was another evolution of the merchant's name. The previous names began to be changed to an economic entity. This was replaced as a result of an act derived from 1988 year. Exactly 11 years later, the economic entity was replaced by an entrepreneur. Also in retrospect, the slogan merchant appeared in Poland for a very long time, because it was in force roughly from the Middle Ages to the interwar period.