The course of history goes on without interruption. More and more new elements are growing in it. Individual facts, it seems unique, they become the first link in a long chain of others. Bolesław the Brave was crowned e.g.. on the Polish king. The first coronation was followed by more, until the eighteenth century. The new states were headed by princes or kings, inaugurating some dynasty. Look for the former in a row of others, subsequent phenomena. It usually happens that way, that the first fact, if it can be found, sticks better than these, that followed.

1. Triumvirate in Rome

2. Roman emperor of the German nation

3. Crusade

4. King crowned in Krakow

5. Travel around the world

6. Free election in Poland

7. Polish newspaper

8. The independence conspiracy after the fall of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

9. King of a united Italy

10. President of Poland


1. In year 60 p. n. e. three prominent statesmen made an agreement among themselves to seize power in the Roman state. They were: Caesar, the greatest commander of the time, Pompey - the most skillful politician, and famous for his riches Crassus. The Triumvirs became the lords of Rome. The first triumvirate ended with Caesar's dictatorship.

2. The Western Roman Empire fell in 476 R. under the pressure of the migration of peoples. He resumed them 500 years later, the King of Germany, Otto I., called the great. After breaking the rebellion of the German princes and capturing Italy in a year 962 he was crowned in Rome, assuming the title of Roman emperor of the German nation.

3. The Crusades are a series of military expeditions, organized from the 11th to the 13th century. by feudal Europe against the Muslim East. On the first (1096—1099) two expeditions came together: folk, which the Turks defeated, when she crossed the Bosphorus, and knightly, culminated in the foundation of the feudal kingdom of Jerusalem.

4. Originally, the coronation site of Polish kings was Gniezno. Wladyslaw Łokietek, by unifying the Polish state after the period of regional disintegration, he was crowned in Krakow in 1320 R. From then on, all Polish monarchs, except for Stanisław August, they received the royal crown in the Krakow cathedral.

5. W 1519 R. Ferdynand Magellan, Portuguese in the service of the Spanish, set off on an expedition towards the west, sailed around South America and reached the Philippines, where he died. His companions after a three-year journey, having sailed around Africa, wrócili do Hiszpanii. The sphericity of the earth was thus experimentally determined.

6. The first free election took place in Poland in 1573 R. after the death of the last Jagiellonian, Zygmunt August. According to Jan Zamoyski's design, the elections were made viritim, that is, every nobleman had the right to vote. Nobility gathered in large numbers near Warsaw, with a predominance of Catholic Masovians, elected the French prince Henry of Valois.

7. The first Polish newspaper, Merkuriusz Polski”, a regularly appearing weekly, went out in 1661 R. first in Krakow, and then in Warsaw. Its publisher was Jan Aleksander Gorczyn, who had the privilege of publishing a newspaper with reservation, that no one would dare to reprint or sell the reprinted "Mercury". All the numbers came out 40.

8. After the fall of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the first secret conspiracy was organized at the turn of 1796-1797 by Franciszek Gorzkowski. He considered the overthrow of the nobility as a condition for Poland's liberation. He demanded the abolition of the slavery of the people. He agitated among the peasants. Arrested by the Austrians, was sentenced to death, which he was exchanged for exile from the borders of Austria.

9. Italy at the beginning of the 19th century. they were divided into a number of small or independent states, be under Austrian rule. Italian patriots sought to unify the country. Piedmont became the focal point of the Italian national movement. W 1861 R. the first parliament from all over Italy gathered and proclaimed Victor Emmanuel of the Sardinian-Piedmont dynasty king.

10. Gabriel Narutowicz was elected the first president of Poland after regaining independence, professor at the Polytechnic University of Zurich, an outstanding engineer in the field of hydraulic engineering and electrification. After World War I, he returned to Poland. He was the minister of public works. 9 of December 1922 R. was elected president, a 16 on December he was killed by the murderer.