Admissions to school for the school year 2014/2015 are held throughout the year. Recruitment for children's families is currently underway, who want to start learning from September 2014 r. Procedura rekrutacyjna składa się z dwóch zasadniczych elementów: indywidualnej rozmowy z rodziną (1) oraz z formal and legal proceedings (2).
First, zasadniczy i decydujący element procesu zapisywania do szkoły to an individual conversation between the family and the school staff – rozmowa odbywa się we wspólnie uzgodnionym terminie (contact).
The purpose of the interview is to discuss the working methods in detail, clarification of any doubts that may arise and joint consideration, whether democratic education is the solution, which your family is looking for. So that we can start the conversation prepared, we have developed a form, where you can tell about your family, mainly about the future student / students of our school :). We encourage you to complete it and send it to us before we meet.
During the interview, we will also provide you with materials regarding the most important assumptions for the functioning of our school. If, after the interview, you decide to enroll your child in our school, we proceed to the second stage, which is carrying out the procedure enabling the student's transition to a democratic school.
This procedure consists of two main steps - zapisania dziecka do wskazanej przez nas szkoły kontraktowej, we work with, and then obtaining a certificate from a psychological and pedagogical counseling center, allowing the transition to home education. With these two documents, we can finally close the recruitment stage, sign a contract, and wait with excitement for September!