What is an Affiliate Link

What is an Affiliate Link. Związek partnerski.

These two words have been heard a lot these days. Czym jednak jest tak naprawdę …

Why the Great Wall of China was built

Why the Great Wall of China was built.

Wielki Mur Chiński stanowi przykład architektury militarnej. The probable period of construction of the first sections of the wall falls in years 685-645 p.n.e.

In year …

What are andrzejki

What are andrzejki.

On the eve of St. Andrew, z 29 on 30 On November we celebrate ANDRZEJKI. That evening, the tradition of divination became common. W dawnych czasach do …

Is Poland a tolerant country

Is Poland a tolerant country. Tolerant Poland?

Hard to say, whether Poland is a tolerant country or not. For sure one thing is obvious and noticeable – Poland …

How to go on missions

How to go on missions. Are missions for everyone?

If anyone thinks, that he would go on a mission for pleasure or to explore the world, to niech lepiej …