The Leśniewski family
The Leśniewski family
A classic of Polish family cinema – humor, funny adventures, warm and cordial atmosphere. W …
Curiosities from the world
The Leśniewski family
A classic of Polish family cinema – humor, funny adventures, warm and cordial atmosphere. W …
When it comes to the greatest series hits, it is impossible not to mention the most popular one, even cult, world soap opera. I …
Certainly, the noteworthy series was also "Borderland on fire”. Emocjonujący pojedynek dwóch szpiegów z …
Another "milestone" in the history of Polish series is the famous social tapeworm, meaning "In the maze”. Emitowano go …
First of them, which Polish viewers remember exactly, is a series about the common man's search for affection, Polish man, or "Jan Heart". Bohater to prosty …
Especially during the holidays, TV likes to return to series such as "Noce i dnie", na podstawie obszernej powieści Marii Dąbrowskiej o tym samym …
The first series of this kind is "Czterej pancerni i pies", based on the book by Jerzy Przymanowski under the same title. Author …
The Walking Dead.
Kilka miesięcy temu franczyza The Walking Dead obchodziła swoje dziesięciolecie od momentu wydania pierwszego zeszytu w USA. I don't think you need to explain to anyone, …
Formally known as.
I'm not exaggerating, ona jest dla mnie absolutnym odkryciem i obietnicą artystycznych doznań. 26-summer British girl FKA Twigs (Formerly Known As Twigs), girl, której …
Talk to the dog.
Kto z nas tego nie robi, nie mówi do swojego pupila psa, or a cat? W tym filmie jest jasno powiedziane, że występujący …