What is the Easter symbol of the Lamb?

What is the Easter symbol of the Lamb?

The symbolism of the lamb, as a symbol of sacrifice, it has a tradition even before the emergence and spread of Christianity. …

Why do we bless eggs at Easter

Why do we bless eggs at Easter?

Chociaż święcenie pokarmów jest obecnie najbardziej popularną tradycją wielkanocną nie zawsze było ono tak …

What are andrzejki

What are andrzejki.

On the eve of St. Andrew, z 29 on 30 On November we celebrate ANDRZEJKI. That evening, the tradition of divination became common. W dawnych czasach do …

Is Poland a tolerant country

Is Poland a tolerant country. Tolerant Poland?

Hard to say, whether Poland is a tolerant country or not. For sure one thing is obvious and noticeable – Poland …