What is the Easter symbol of the Lamb?
What is the Easter symbol of the Lamb?
The symbolism of the lamb, as a symbol of sacrifice, it has a tradition even before the emergence and spread of Christianity. …
Curiosities from the world
The symbolism of the lamb, as a symbol of sacrifice, it has a tradition even before the emergence and spread of Christianity. …
Chociaż święcenie pokarmów jest obecnie najbardziej popularną tradycją wielkanocną nie zawsze było ono tak …
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There are many supporters and opponents of helping people on the street. How …
From hundreds, and even thousands of years in history serial killers pass. Such people most often suffer from mental disorders, …
These three names have been really loud in Poland recently. For what reason? Otóż Tomasz Lis …
On the eve of St. Andrew, z 29 on 30 On November we celebrate ANDRZEJKI. That evening, the tradition of divination became common. W dawnych czasach do …
Hard to say, whether Poland is a tolerant country or not. For sure one thing is obvious and noticeable – Poland …
A protagonist with or without character?
Książki i filmy, tam bohater jest z góry ustalony. It has a specific character, przeszłość i zachowania, bo tak a nie inaczej …
Being a geek is not building expertise.
The title of today's post may sound enigmatic, ale dotyczy bardzo prostego zagadnienia. Czy bycie geekiem zobowiązuje do bycia alfą i …