Lights of the Big City - review
Lights of the Big City - review
The sense of humor accompanying the films with Charles Chaplin, it has never been something special to me. As …
Curiosities from the world
Lights of the Big City - review
The sense of humor accompanying the films with Charles Chaplin, it has never been something special to me. As …
The Hangover in Bangkok - review
I don't think he will surprise anyone, that it is the same as the first part, tyle że …
The Troublesome Man - film
Another movie, which, apart from my reflections, can be viewed legally online. Kłopotliwy Człowiek to coś z pogranicza …
Father on a Business Trip - a mini review
A father on a business trip is a very real film, quite long, ordinary, bardziej smutny …
Super 8, Abrams, Spielberg - review
The latest s-f production has several good solutions, but not much new to the genre. Na początek zostajemy przywitani mocną …
The Kramer case - a review
The film deals with the issue of equality between women and men. In this case, with a legitimate advantage for the guys. Poza tym Sprawa Kramerów jest w …
Far from the nose – “The Association of Derelict Wives”
Recently, I cannot see the world of God, because I feel so sorry after Czesław's departure, że mi łzy wszystko …
Far from the nose – “Temporary foster family”.
Czesław during our marriage always had such interests in the field of sport. And it was in the race, who …
Far from the nose – “Surprise for my birthday”.
About two weeks ago I looked back in the mirror and was terrified! A scar right in the middle of the forehead. Ktoś mnie …
Far from the nose – “Cousin and cousin”.
The peasant is not allowed to take his eyes off of that for a moment, 'Cause I'm gonna hook up with him like hell, najgorzej …