A cop and a prosecutor

Today both Polish, as well as foreign crime series are very popular and the viewer can choose in them like in ulęgałki. But there was time, when Poles accustomed only to the adventures of lieutenant Borewicz from "007 Report!”, they followed the fate of several other policemen with bated breath, prosecutors or lawyers. Crime and legal series did not shy away from humor, jokes or comic situations, despite the fact that they talked about difficult topics.


Pierwszym tak niezwykle popularnym serialem był „Gliniarz i prokurator” znany pod angielskojęzycznym tytułem „ Jake and the Fatman”. Odgrywający główne role William Conrad oraz Joe Penny, stworzyli na ekranie nietuzinkowy tandem dwóch całkowicie różnych osobowości. Prokurator McCabe był starszym, grumpy lawman, with an intelligent and somewhat malicious sense of humor. He was accompanied on the screen by his beloved bulldog, the expression on its face was very clearly like the constant expression on its owner's face. Super handsome cop - Jake Styles had looks and creative ideas.

The series was shot in years 1987 – 1992. In total, it lived to see five seasons. The action of the series took place alternately in Los Angeles and Hawaii. The actors shot as much as 106 episodes.