Honey years

Innym ciekawym polskim sitcomem są "Honey years". The series was broadcast for five years in the period between 1998 a 2003 a year. It was also a theatrical performance of the Jewish Theater in Warsaw. The axis of the action is the life of two nice people, childless couples from Warsaw's Wola district. Grany przez charakterystycznego Cezarego Żaka – Karol Krawczyk przyjaźni się z Adamem Norkiem, played by the irreplaceable Artur Barcisio. The heroes work hard physically - Karol is a tram driver and Norek is a sewer. However, this does not change their constant efforts to make a fortune. The excellent Marta Lipińska appeared in the role of mother-in-law.

The series had six series and one hundred and twenty-six episodes. He was a typical sitcom. It had a large audience and imitated the American series "The Honeymooners".