Mother Riley Meets the Vampire – Online

Mother Riley Meets the Vampire – Online

Plan 9 from space, he could learn from this movie. Bela Lugosi in the role of… Va.. A vampire, so! The story tells about a wicked plan to take over the world by an insidious bloodsucker. The plan is to order an army of robots. Vampir is rich, in its base, like Batman working out evil goals. What will be the end of the story? Will Vampir, with the help of a computer controlled robot, threaten London??

I found this movie by accident, rather nobody talks about him - 2 ratings on FilmWeb (including one mine 🙂 ). At IMDB, production can boast of a height note 2,5 / 10 point. Well, there is a lot of truth in that, the description itself seems to speak for it. In "Mother Riley .." it wasn't long before a musical song starts - the actors begin to sing, I will try to include it sometime. The movie is available under a free license, it means that anyone can download it and watch it? It can be a hard experience, but at least for a few snippets, it's worth it out of curiosity. Bela Lugosi is fun to watch. I got so maybe to 30-40 minutes.

Watch link (the title is different, but it's the same movie)

Z takich tandetnych filmów klasy B wolałbym obejrzeć tani western niż jakąś bajeczkę o wampirach i robotach. Próbowałem kiedyś obejrzeć Plan 9 from space, but I couldn't. I'm afraid, that it could be the same with this movie. Apparently Roger Corman made four cheap westerns, which are remarkable, even though there are grades on imdb from 2 do 4. I don't think these films are listed on this page, though, but there is The Deadly Companions (1961), the first film by Sam Peckinpah and the only film by this director, which I have not seen yet. When I have time, I will try to watch it.