Far from the nose – Third Eye

Far from the nose – “Third Eye”

When I entered the "six" in the morning, this is what I thought at first, that I have not sober up yet after yesterday's name day Bobrówna. And that's because of it, that there was one under the window, which had three eyes. This extra one broke out centrally in the middle of his forehead! As I said it to Basia, she refused to believe me. But I believed her without any problem, as she told me, that the Ordinator has some new flama. I've been working with a man for twenty years, then I know him. He has always been a womanizer, he flew behind the women… Although not, at the very beginning it was tidier. But it was, how he courted me. But then he hired Czesia and I fell in love with him to death and life.

Because in love I have always been lucky, It does not, What about Dr. Kalinka?. She does what and leaves someone to move on. Today, for example, it turned out, that she no longer goes with such a blonde Adam, because he went to sit. This is how our Kalinka worried, that she decided to enter a monastery. Of course, I couldn't let that happen, I immediately reported… I mean, I told the Head of the Hospital about it. We called a conference and decided to jointly dissuade her from this desperate act. Because how could Karinka survive without TV boutiques and these, peas? And most without men. After all, she didn't go out with some new guy for a week, her hands were shaking at once, that her chief physician defended the operation. Luckily it turned out to be, that Karinka is not so bad, because she wants to go to the monastery, ale męskiego.

Meanwhile, the problem of the patient from under the "six" has been resolved. Admittedly by accident, because Basia flooded the operating card and they mistakenly took him for surgery. Because everything was basically okay, so my Czesław said, that he needs to cut it out, what he has too much. Truth, how intelligent? He embraced me with this intelligence from the very beginning. And now this two-eyed man has no trouble. Formerly, as he was reading something touching, it was his third eye that was watering at once and flooding the other two as well, so that he couldn't see the boy immediately.

The Ordinator, however, has a bigger problem now. The Tax Office wants to get to him, because he gave too expensive gifts to his mistress. I know, because when they called him, I just picked up the phone and accidentally held the whole conversation to my ear.